Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Dark Romanticism Vs. Realism

Being the realist that I am, I would naturally prefer realism. I have a serious lacking of imagination so I am easily identified as a realist. I see the world around me, I see the evil and corruption. I see no god present though out the sadness that people deal with on a daily basis. I see prayer as a useless, weak minded thing. No one is listening; get over it.

Short Story-

Being the first teen to travel in a spaceship has always been Gazelle's dream. She entered the contest many, many times in hopes that NASA would pick her. Her antisipation rising as she heard the announcer give the results on the radio. She jumped and screamed when she heard her name. She was going to outerspace! She felt as if her life was complete. She couldn't wait to be propelled into orbit by the blast of a rocketship. As weeks went by, the danger started to arise. "What if something went wrong?" She thought. These meek thoughts were bypassed by her dream of orbiting around the planet.

The day of blastoff came so quickly. As she was buckled in to the launch seat, Gazelle started to sweat with a mild fear of leaving the Earth. "It's to late now." she thought to herself. And then she heard the ear shattering blast of the engine. As the layers of the atmosphere passed through the windows, she noticed the blue sky that she loved so much was thinning. A moment of shock and awe rattled her brain. She suddenly realized that she was very much out of place in this new, matter less environment. The fear spread throughout her frail human body with immense speed. A tiny thought went through her mind, "I wanted this" this thought was repeated like a broken record for some time. After the blast off engine was ejected from the ship, everything stopped. An eiry silence came over the cabin. Gazelle started to breath again, the sharp inhales felt like the first air that her lungs had ever received. She was calm. All of the sudden, many lights and high pitched beeping rung throughout her ears. "Whats happening?" she asked the pilot. He didn't answer, he was busy cursing and pressing buttons at lightning speed. The fear took over. Gazelle knew that something had gone terribly wrong. As she looked out the window, she was overcome by the vast beauty of the Earth, her home. The empty vacuum of space that surrounded her gave her a new unknown feeling; She was enlightened. The end was near, and she now felt that it was justified. She had achieved her ultimate goal. She died with no fear, remorse, or regret.

Although space travel is not a large social issue, this was the best story I could think of. As I said before, I lack imagination. So I used the detailed description aspect of realism. The fact that the young girl accepted death without fear is one of the most "realistic" things I could imagine.


D a n a said...

Nice work on this one, especially on your work of fiction.