Thursday, September 10, 2009

Unit Three

ELAALRL4 The student employs a variety of writing genres to demonstrate a comprehensive grasp of significant ideas in selected literary works. The student composes essays, narratives, poems, or technical documents.

Once again, this standard addresses me (the student) to understand the different types of writing, and to be able to point out the differences between them. This also wants me to write different types of lit.

Original Sin is the idea that all humans are born damned. We will all die and go to hell.
The Transcendentalists believed that this was incorrect.

Mini Lesson
First, let's review the Transcendentalist philosophy:
a. They believed that everyone was absolutely pure and that each individual is a part of God.
b. They believed that people's thoughts and intuition were the voice of God.
c. They did not believe in institutions like government because they thought the individual human mind was the strongest power in the universe.
What would your argument to this philosophy be? Are all people good? Is the voice inside people's heads the pure voice of God?
I do not believe that all people are "good." But what defines good? Going to church? Remaining faithful to your lover? All aspects of goodness relates to the religion it was inspired from. Muslims believe it is good to kill your enemy. Mormons believe it is good to have more than one wife. The Romans believed that the greatest love was between an old man and a young boy. I don't believe that theses things are good, but I was raised in a predominately christian country; and this means that my moral foundations spawn from Christianity.
And there are new scientific terms for hearing voices from god, it is called schizophrenia. =D